2023/01/26 | < back

Increasing the player count in Phasmophobia

You're going to need the following tools:

Step 1. Throw that shit into CPP2IL to get some approximations of the original C# code. That will help understanding the disassembly.

    cpp2il.exe --game-path="path/to/Phasmophobia" --analysis-level=0 --experimental-enable-il-to-assembly-please --parallel --throw-safety-out-the-window

This reconstruct the original .NET DLLs to the best of CPP2IL's ability and put them into a folder called cpp2il_out. You can open these with ILSpy or dnspy. That folder also contains the type metadata in human-readable format.

Step 2. Throw that shit into il2cppdumper to get an IDA/Ghidra script that will load the type information and method names for you. Just run il2cppdumper.exe and point it to Phasmophobia/GameAssembly.dll and Phasmophobia/Phasmophobia_Data/il2cpp_data/Metadata.

Step 3. Open Phasmophobia/GameAssembly.dll in your decompiler of choice. I'm gonna assume you're using the legally obtained free version of IDA. Let it analyze, it's gonna take a long time.


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